martes, 14 de marzo de 2023

semana 19 marzo-- frases INGLES.....


SpongeBob SquarePants - Season 1 - Episode 7 : Hall Monitor & Jellyfish Jam


Primeros 10 minutos del Capitulo, para q avanzar mas si todabia no entiendo... este
practicar, practicar, muchas, muchas FRASES-ORACIONES  usando estos..

present simp

Because its time to PICK OUT the hall monitor of the day
let`s see here
no way, mr puff

i guess i HAVE no choise
i have to make my speech
well, we're going to my house to have a litle fun.
you guys have overstayed your welcome.
spongebob is the only guy i know that can have fun with a jellyfish.
you've got it all wrong, little fellow.
WE'VE got to do something else.
i finally got you
i got to get home.
jellyfish, you've GOT TO stay here.
im down here.
i see him
he's just standing there.
get out of there, spongebob!.
ah, there is nothing better than the taste
i must show them the error
i must act
i cant play anymore, jellyfish.
you cant come home with me.
aw, what the heck.
squidward, look at my new pet.
thats no pet, thats a wild animal.
you sure like to dance.
no he isn't.
i didn't need to see that.
i dont think the jellyfish like it.
uh,wait, i can turn it down.
now  you just need a symbol of authority 


pastSim y participio
mr. puff I,VE done it already
hey, i've done it three times already
you've just committed a crime.
i've had enough of this
today spongebob HAS LEARNED one lesson
i hope you learned a valuable lesson
he's supposed to be here somewhere 
hey, now, that wasn't nice.
gary, you were right.
resto, futuros, preguntas, etc.   
this week's hall monitor WILL BE sponge bob.
I will protect all that are weak
i WILL PUT on this uniform and assume my duties
i'll go that way.
he'll be just fine.
we'll take that as a confession.
okay, i'll talk to him.
we'll just keep you right here.
okay, he said HE'LL PLAY BETTER.
you won't be hearing from me anymore.  

why, i WOULD be noting
what WOULD this town do without you, spongebob?
what would you do?
i wouldn't let that thing in my house.
squidward , WOULD it be possible to play your clarinet a little better?
i'd like to see you after class.
where'd you all come from? 

what are the consequences of what i HAVE(i've) just done?
have you seen this man?
if you've seen this guys, understand?? 
how can you possibly have fun with a jellyfish??
who am i to deserve such a great honor?
how many fingers am i holding up?
1. have, have to    got, got to,   i didnt    i dont
2.  have,  i've,      had,   has      was,wasnt       were
3. would, will, 'll, wont,      have, i've, 
have/has(3r pers)
have had had   verb irregular haver

casi siempre se usa la contraccion.
en ingles hay varias contracciones principalmente en los 
       verbox auxiliares y modales


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